It is possible to submit a funding application for participation in a masterclass to the Society for the Exploitation of Ancillary Copyrights (GVL). This can then subsidize course fees.
The basic requirements for funding are:
- that a performance contract has been concluded with GVL (all performers can do this free of charge online)
- that at least one concert registered with GVL has already been broadcast and a first distribution has already taken place
- that the funding application was submitted before the start of the master class to be funded
- after initial use, additional applications for further courses can be submitted over a period of three years
If applicants have already played a concert that was broadcasted but the distribution has not yet been made, it is still worth submitting an application – these are always checked individually. Since concerts by youth orchestras (e.g. the BJO) are often broadcasted, it is also worth making an inquiry to the GVL. In any case, certificates from the concert organizers must be obtained.
Parents who are artists themselves and match the above-mentioned basic requirements (regardless of 4.) can also submit an application for funding their children.
The application can be submitted informally by email to zuwendung@gvl.de. Further information is available at https://gvl.de/gvl/zuwendungen-und-kulturfoerderungen/individuelle-zuwendungen